Help Centre
Thank you for using the help section.
This section can help with any technical queries relating to the application form. If you have any non-technical queries regarding the recruitment programme, you will be able to contact the technical support team by clicking here.
Please use the links on the left-hand menu to find an answer to your query.
Login Issues
I have forgotten my login details
If you have forgotten your username and password there are some steps you can take to retrieve them.
How to retrieve login details
To get your account details emailed to you within 10 minutes, use the 'Reset Password' link within the Careers Portal.
You must use your account registration email address which we will use to communicate with you.
My email has changed
If you no longer have the email address that you used when you first registered you can change your details in your profile in the Careers Portal.
How to change your email address
The careers portal is where you have applied. Log in using the details you originally provided and click on ‘Edit Profile. This will allow you to edit and update your personal details, including your email address and home address.
I am stuck on the login page
If the page keeps refreshing and you cannot get past the login page, it is possible you have a cookie problem which is preventing you from logging in.
Deleting cookies
You need to delete the cookies in your web browser. Follow the instructions below and try and launch the application form:
What is my username
If you have already registered with another application form, you will have an account with us.
Your username will usually be the email address that you used to register with.
You may have edited your profile email in the application form, but your username will be the email address you registered with initially.
Why is my login incorrect?
Remember that login usernames and passwords are CA5e-sEnS1t1ve (case sensitive). Please check that you have correctly entered your login details.
If you are still unable to login please use the 'Reset Password' link on the left-hand side.
When I try to register I am told I have an existing account
It is not possible to create two accounts with the same email address.
If you try to register with an email address that has already been registered, you will receive the following error message:
"There are people with this information in the system”
You should use the same email address for each job you apply too.
How To Check If You Already Have An Account
If you are unsure whether you have an account or you are having problems registering your e-mail account you may already have a login with us. Please use the password reminder link to have your password sent to you.
You may alternatively get this message, every time you try to register:
‘There are people with this information in the system.’
If for whatever reason you have registered multiple accounts using the same email address, it does not mean that your username will be the same for all accounts.
If your username for the first account is:
Then the username for your second account may very well be: Jor54n@icloud.com1
If you do have multiple accounts, please ensure that you use the same account for each application. Starting an application form using one account does not mean you can access the same application form using a different account. Similarly, account2 log-in details will not allow you to login to an application form started using account1.
Problems with saving application forms
My Data is not updating
If the information you entered is not appearing on screen, it may mean that your computer has cached an older version of the page.
Mandatory fields
The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk * beside them. These fields must be completed before you can submit (and save) the application form.
My information has disappeared
Sometimes information entered appears to have disappeared. Please use the information below to resolve your issue.
Information entered has gone
At the bottom of every page of the application form is the 'Continue' button. The information that you enter is only saved once you click on the 'Continue' button.
Did you use 'Continue' or the links on the progress tracker? This may seem obvious but some applicants may log out, get timed out of the application form or close their browser. If you do this without clicking 'Continue' your information will not be saved.
My information is not visible
Sometimes your information may not be visible. This may be because the cookie on your computer has either become corrupted, disabled or you are logged in to the wrong account. Please use the tips below to resolve this issue.
Have you created multiple accounts?
You may have created multiple accounts using different email addresses. Your account is based on your email address and not on your name. Therefore, make sure you use the same email address for all your applications.
Submission Issues
I haven’t completed all the mandatory fields
Mandatory fields must be completed before you can submit your application form.
Mandatory fields
The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk * beside them.
These fields must be completed before you can submit the application form.
I cannot access my saved/submitted application form
If you see an empty application form when you try to return to your previously started/submitted form, you could be logging in to the wrong profile.
Wrong profile
You can only create one profile per email address. If you are having trouble accessing your saved/submitted application form, it is likely that you made your application using a different email address. Try logging in using one of your other email addresses. If you have forgotten your password, use the Reset Password tool in the left-hand menu of the Application Centre.
Use the same email address for all of your applications.
Amending Information
How do I edit my personal details
Please log into your account if your address, telephone number or email has changed from when you first registered. You can change your details by clicking on your name, on the far right and selecting 'Edit profile'.
Contact Us
If you have any technical questions relating to the online application form, please use the links in the left hand menu. If you are unable to find an appropriate answer to your question, you will be able to contact the technical support team.
For any non-technical questions relating to our vacancies please click here to contact our recruitment team via email or call HMPPS Jobs (including Prison Officer): 0345 241 5358, MoJ Jobs: 0345 241 5359.
Reasonable Adjustment Support
Simply put, a reasonable adjustment is a change to any part of the recruitment process that removes or reduces a disadvantage that might prevent certain people from effectively applying for a job.
When you apply for one of our jobs, we offer a range of reasonable adjustments designed to support you through the process.
Reasonable adjustments are available to anyone likely to have challenges completing any of the job assessment stages due to a diagnosed or undiagnosed disability or long-term condition, or even a temporary illness or injury.
No matter your circumstances, we will always try our best to meet your needs.
Applying for reasonable adjustment support has been made simple. Just tick ‘yes’ in the online application form when it asks if you think you might need it.
You might not realise you are entitled to reasonable adjustment support, so we recommend checking out our animated videos to decide if you need it and which types could help you through the assessment stages for the job you are applying for.
Candidates who meet the minimum criteria on the application form may be invited to the next stages of the job assessment process, such as an online test or an online assessment centre.
At this point, our Reasonable Adjustments Team will email you to confirm your eligibility and discuss the adjustments we can offer.
Before completing online tests or attending an online assessment centre, it is essential to arrange reasonable adjustment support. Due to practical and logistical constraints, our assessors cannot accommodate requests on the day of the assessment centre.
Therefore, we kindly request that you let us know in plenty of time if adjustments are required. This will help ensure the right support is in place for you when you need it.